
  • Shared Hosting

    Best class hardware to host your website and e-mail. The plans are in Cpanel control panel. You can choose between several PHP versions, MySQL 5.7 or PostgreSQL.
    You can access your e-mail with POP, Imap or webmail. Anti-Spam and Anti-Virus is included to filter your e-mail.
    We backup your data everyday and we keep a weekly and monthly backup.
    Our support works 24x7x365 to support you.
  • Dedicated Hosting

    Best class hardware to host all your needs. You can hire dedicated VPS or dedicated server and host your app.
    Managed by you or you can choose managed hosting and we take care of all the work.
  • Backup as a Service

    Backup all your data to a safe place in a data center located in Portugal compliant with RGPD. Block Level backup bypassing the SO and backup directly from disk or volume. All the data is safely stored with AES-256 encryption. You define your retention policies and your history recovery points depending in the space you hire. You can restore a single file or make a complete bare metal restore of your server.
  • VPN as a Service

    Connect one or more branch offices to the same network with encrypted connections. We provide all the hardware and technical support.
    If you need to annonymise your connection, we provide the solution for you be virtually in several countries.
  • Web Application Firewall

    Defend your website against hacks and DDoS attacks with our protection.
    Identify indicators of compromise with various alerting options. Lightning fast page speed with our highly optimized CDN.